OutOfRange features stills drawn from Super 8 and 35mm film shot during Richardson’s 11th roundup with a ranching family in Glade Park, Colorado. Richardson rode with her Super 8 camera in one hand and her horse’s reins in the other. The resulting images evoke the movement and spirit of ranching life.
“When you get up close, the images are grainy and abstract, but if you step back they begin to unfold,” notes Richardson. “They’re very dreamy and alive, which I love. It’s like dance -- they point to something that can’t be spoken.”
Richardson paints thin layers of umber and deep red over her Super 8 stills, casting veils between the viewer and the subjects, which include cowboys and horses, fence posts and hood ornaments -- signs and symbols of western life that point to the deeper currents in Richardson’s creative practice since retiring from The National Ballet of Canada.

“I was so moved by this way of traveling across and into~especially in deep connection to/with the power and mystery of horse and land,” said Richardson. “Art has so much to give back to the world, and for me that’s preservation of the wild.”
OutOfRange will be on exhibition in 610 Arts Collective’s main gallery throughout October. Swing by Thursday, October 10th between 6:10pm and 9:00pm to celebrate the exhibition, hear live Mountain Music, and meet the artist. The gallery is regularly open weekdays, 10am - 5pm, and on weekend mornings.